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Anwea Holy Paladin Application

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Anwea Holy Paladin Application Empty Anwea Holy Paladin Application

Post  Elfdruid Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:38 am

Character Name: Anwea
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Position: Healer
Armory Page: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Chromaggus&n=Anwea
Profession 1: Enchanting
Profession 2: Mining

Personal Information

Name: Linnea
Age: 18
Location: Stockholm - Sweden

Previous Guild Info: On Mazrigos: GShock - left due to migration to tarren mill because of lack of discipline within the guild
On Tarren Mill: Legend - I left to join a friend\'s newly made guild, force of nature.
Force of Nature - Since it was newly made it was really hard to recruit members and the progress was not good at all, even for a new guild. So I took a shot and migrated here, to Chromaggus.

End Game Experience: I have been raiding KZ and some ZG

Raid Times: I can commit to three or four raiding days, it doesn\'t matter which weekday it is. I am flexible with times, though I\'d prefer not raiding later than 1 am game time - but I am aware of that it may happen.

Why Join: I am looking for a guild where I can progress, as well as being an asset for the other members.

Posts : 36
Join date : 2008-05-28
Age : 35
Location : Brighton, UK


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Anwea Holy Paladin Application Empty Re: Anwea Holy Paladin Application

Post  Elfdruid Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:38 am

Application Approved

Posts : 36
Join date : 2008-05-28
Age : 35
Location : Brighton, UK


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